Maintenance and Repair

Mechanical Services

Pipefitting and Welding
Cable Tray Installation, Removal & Repair
Cable Pull
Exhaust Stacks
Insulation Installation, Removal & Repair
Grout injection
Painting, Blasting & Coating
Industrial Cleaning

CAES International provides efficient and reliable solutions for challenging repairs, installations, and routine maintenance with our specialized rope access services.
With rigorous training requirements for our technicians and the use of advanced equipment, we safely handle work-at-height tasks in unique environments, including work over water, confined spaces, or tall structures.
While many of our projects involve extreme heights, rope access is also an ideal solution for routine maintenance at lower elevations, making it a versatile option for various industrial needs.

Our highly trained technicians are equipped to perform a wide range of maintenance services, such as cleaning, coating and painting, and general repairs on diverse structures. Rope access enables our teams to be quickly deployed to areas without the delays associated with traditional scaffolding, minimizing downtime and avoiding congestion in or around the work zone.

Safety First

At CAES International, safety is our highest priority. We are committed to protecting our employees, clients, and contractors through a steadfast focus on safety excellence, striving every day for zero injuries and incidents. Our technicians receive advanced training and hold industry-recognized certifications for working at heights. Additionally, our quality assurance program ensures regular monitoring of rope access equipment and safety practices to maintain the highest standards in the industry.